What do you do the moment you wake up? This morn I woke up thanking the Creator for another day that He had added to my Life. Tranquillity, cool breeze, chatter of birds added to the wonderful day. I was reminded of the thought with which I slept the previous night- whom do I turn to? Everyone faces different phases in life- a moment to rejoice and you share your happiness with those round, some moments with dear ones are treasured forever in one’s memories and still are moments that one could have worked really hard to get there. On the other hand, one goes through tough times; those that are painful but still have a glorious end as the saying goes, ‘The road to success is not a bed of roses but of thorns’. People don’t mind enduring the thorns with their goals in sight…that keeps them going. Some situations are the results of one’s actions. You do something and endure the consequences that follow. A few admit their faults and learn from them while those that deny miss a lesson that l...