My Little Garden

I've loved nature ever since I was a child. Amidst a busy schedule, a walk by those green trees or shrubs just refreshes one's mind. No wonder great poets wrote about trees, rivers, yellow daffodils and the majestic mountains.

Having a garden of my own makes me happy. My little garden consists of Croutons, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Holy Basil(..wait it's the English word for tulasi!), Aloe Vera, Mint and Fenugreek . Every morning I go to the balcony to check on how my beauties are doing. When there's bud or a flower ready to bloom, it gladdens my heart. Watching the shoot pop up from the wet earth after having sown the seeds brings so much joy. Be it watering those plants or using the kitchen waste to prepare compost, I put my heart into each of these tasks and do it with a lot of interest.

When I recently read about the parable Jesus narrated in which God, the Father, is portrayed as the gardener and we are like trees in a vineyard/garden, I could relate to it :-). God, who has planted us, keeps watering us spiritually, nurturing us by His Word and like every gardener waits for the fruit to show-up. I should bear fruit- fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. Everyday, Father God must be looking at us(me, you, others) and checking how we are doing. May we bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and glorify God.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you.
[John 15:16 ]


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