Waiting Like Hannah

Seated on the couch at home one evening, I was reminded of Hannah...the one from the Bible, the mother of Samuel. I made up my mind to read the first few chapters of 1 Samuel which tell her story. The life of this wonderful woman taught me a few lessons which I hope to pen down in the next few lines.

Hannah had her share of joys and sorrows. Elkanah had two wives- Hannah and Peninah. Elkanah, bestowed much love for his wife Hannah and that could have brought her happiness. [1 Samuel 1:5 But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb. On the other hand, Peninah provoked her since she did not have a child. Peninah's provocation and mockery deeply pained Hannah to the point of weeping. 1 Samuel 1:7 tells us ...her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. Peninah was indeed harsh with Hannah. Little did she know Hannah would bring forth Samuel, a prophet of the Most High God.

Elkanah, the loving husband expressed his love for Hannah asking her, 'Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?' What a statement for a man to make at those times! He did assure her that his love was not conditional. Hannah not having a child never stopped Elkanah from loving her. But her husband's love could not make-up for the sorrow in Hannah's heart.[1 Samuel 1:10]  In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord. She did not pour out her heart to any man, instead chose to cry out and pray in the Lord's presence. She knew exactly whom to call on to when in sorrow.

Hannah made a vow to the Lord that if He gave her a son, she would give Him to the Lord. [1 Samuel 1:11] .....O Lord God Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me,... The phrase 'remember me' from Hannah's prayer caught my attention. After crying and pouring herself out before the Lord, she was at peace.[1 Samuel 1:18] says ...Then she went her way and ate something, her face was no longer downcast. That's what happens when we trade our sorrows, bitterness, pain for the joy of the Lord.

Hannah's prayer was answered by the Lord. [1 Samuel 1:19] This verse ends with 'the Lord remembered her'. Hannah asked the Lord to remember her and He did. What a Wonderful God we have! And as she asked, God blessed her with a son. Hannah was faithful in keeping her vow with the Lord. She gave Samuel, her son to the Lord [1 Samuel 1:27,28].

God was very gracious to Hannah that He later blessed her with three sons and two daughters. She received more than she asked or imagined. What a blessing!!

Good things come to those who wait is a saying but waiting certainly isn't great when time flies and your impatience gets the better of you. While you wait, wait like Hannah placing your requests in the Lord's presence with hope. Ask the Lord to remember you. Trade your sorrows, bitterness to the Lord so your face is never downcast while you wait. And remain faithful like Hannah.


  1. Patience is a virtue- Very well authored. The author's selection of Hannah 's story itself justifies the act of waiting fully well.


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