I know Whom I have believed

Allow me to ask a few questions before I go to my side of the story- What/whom do you believe in? Why do you believe what you believe? Is your God alive? If so, did you have an encounter with Him in this journey of life? If not, how do you say He exists. There is a sea of people out there who say 'God is a joke' or 'He's an invention of mankind'. Have you built a God based on your imagination or the theory which has been passed on to you by your family or some men of God? Our faith can't be based on someone else's. 
It was not till I met a Jehovah Witness believer that I asked myself the reason why I believed, what I believed. She told me,"You can't pray to Jesus. He is not God. Jesus Himself asked you to pray to the Father(Jehovah) in the Lord's prayer." With the knowledge I had then, I couldn't convince or prove that Jesus is God. I used the references where Jesus tells 'I and the Father are one'. It made no sense to her. Later, I came across the scripture where Thomas looking at the wounds of Jesus confesses,'My God' (John 20:28). Jesus tells his disciples,'before Abraham was I am '(John 8:58).Besides, the knowledge and stuff, when I went through a tough phase in the journey of life, I prayed-'O Living God, hear my cry. I know not what to say.' Days went by and my prayer was the same. Truly, I didn't know what to ask. For I felt so low in my spirit and I began reasoning, if God does listen to prayers. This is not my Salvation story; it's that moment when my faith was shaken. One fine day, last year (2017), peace that I cannot speak of filled my heart. [ BTW I had written this in 2018. Posting it late:)] Only then I understood the verse - the peace that transcends all understanding(Phil 4:7). It has been flowing ever since like a river. If my prayers were answered, I know not but one thing I do know- I have been transformed and I am no longer the same. I know whom I have believed (2 Tim 1:12).


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